1 0 A M

I'm unsure about this decision, but mentally prepare myself as I tug open the right door. I hear it slam shut behind me as I enter this unusual place, speechless as I look around. Everything is black and white. I'm upside-down, and my long hair is standing on end.

That's something you don't see every day, that's for sure.

There are spiraling staircases and rotating bridges, moving platforms and even more oddly-shaped doors. I hear singing below me—or would that be considered above? The words are unintelligible. It's giving me the creeps.

1 1 A M

I patiently wait for the bridge edge to meet me, certainly not wanting to get on. I hesitantly take a step forward as it comes to a smooth stop, and hold on tight to the railing as it rotates. At least the ride is slow and steady...

I get off at the next drop-off and squint at the door in front of me. This one looks just as wonky and bent as the others.

1 2 P M

Just as I'm about to turn the door handle, the door swings open by itself, and a moving section of the floor ushers me inside the room. Unsurprisingly, the door slams shut behind me, and I'm left alone. I can no longer hear singing.

Every way I look the walls are wobbling, and I'm losing my balance. Imagine some kind of weird amusement park ride, and that's what this seemed like.

As I'm caught off guard by the absolute strangeness around me, a large mask seeps through one of the walls, floating towards me. Oh, crap. I back up as much as I can, but hit a wall in my attempt at escape. The distance between us is quickly closing, and with a sickening creak, the mask's large mouth wrenches open. It chomps down around me with a giggle.

1 P M

The stairs look tiring, but I'll take my chances. I just want to get out of this maddening place, home to no color but black and white, and holding only trickery within its slanted walls. One good thing is that my hair is finally out of my face. And... yup. That was the end of the list.

I start climbing, immedietly figuring out that each step falls after I touch it. This newfound information makes my heart skip a beat—maybe a few—and I start to run. It quickly becomes hard to breath, since running up stairs isn't exactly an ideal way to ascend them.

The singing is getting louder, and I'm starting to slow down. The end is near, and I just need to go a little further, but a step falls directly beneath my foot. I lose balance, fall, and hit the remaining steps in the process. Way to go, you clumsy bum!

As they disappear, I reach out, just barely getting a grip on the edge of the floor. I'm sweating bullets, and my hands are slipping. A shadow looms over me, and as a familiar, chilling sing-song voice reaches my ears, I look up to see a masked man towering over me.

2 P M

Mr. Mask doesn't look, nor sound, reliable, so I decide to take matters into my own hands. I don't need help from a creepy stranger!

But try as I might, I don't have enough energy left, and my strength is subpar. I can feel my fingers slipping off the ledge, one by one, as sweat drips down my forehead. I feel like an idiot for not speaking up, but it's too late now; my hands have given up, and I watch Mr. Mask smile as he sings, waving goodbye.

3 P M

With a timid, strained voice, I beg Mr. Mask for help. He kneels to peer at my face, slick with sweat and flushed from my effort to stay alive. I'm nearly at my limit when he finally reaches down to grab the collar of my shirt, heaving me to solid ground. Aaah, sweet, sweet floor! I missed you!!

I lay there for a few minutes, recuperating and catching my breath. All he does is stare.

4 P M

In response, Mr. Mask leans down to flick my forehead, and I gasp in surprise. Did he just...? Did he really reprimand me? With his finger? I look up at him in a slightly threatened daze, nearly calmed down, until he suddenly pulls me to my feet and picks me up. I can hardly get a word out of dismay as he carries me bridal-style, walking straight towards a wall, slowly gaining speed.

5 P M

After a few moments, having felt no impact, I crack my eyes open in confusion. Am I in the clear...?

Of course not.

In front of me is a wonky, bent door. Wow. I haven't seen one of those before!! But somehow, this one seems... A little more familiar? Like I've seen it before. And Mr. Mask is no where to be seen, either, so I'd better hide while I'm ahead.

6 P M

As I'm flailing my arms and legs around, trying my hardest to be freed from this unsettling situation, I accidentally knock Mr. Mask in the face. This causes his mask to shift a little, and after hearing a soft sizzle noise, he begins to lose control of his body. I'm thrown to the ground and yelp in pain, quickly sitting up and rubbing my throbbing back as I look up to find Mr. Mask coming towards me again. When will this guy just give up?!

I start to scoot backwards as fast as I can, still winded from my fall, and before I know it I've gone straight through the wall. Wait, so this was a magical wall, after all? I push myself to my feet and look around, fearful of what's behind me, but all there is is... White. As far as the eye could see, just pure, blinding white. It seems to extend forever, but as I listen closely, I hear faint singing coming from ahead.

7 PM

After a while of walking—truthfully, I have no idea how long I walked—I could make out a figure in the distance, and the singing had gradually gotten louder. The figure disappears, and for a moment, I'm convinced my eyes are playing tricks on me. It's eerily silent now.

It reappears directly in front of me, sending me stumbling back in surprise. I clumsily trip over my feet, looking up at the figure, frozen in fear. But this view is familiar... A man towering over me... Aha! It's Mr. Mask!!

No, not "aha!" I meant "oh, no!"

Black sparks are popping out from where his mask was moved, and his singing seems more urgent. He's shaking uncontrollably.

8 P M

My screaming seems to upset Mr. Mask; he stops singing and covers his ears, cowering away from me.


I scream again, this time louder. Rather than scare him away, my insistent voice starts to anger Mr. Mask. He jerks his hands away from his ears, stomps towards me, and swiftly reaches out to cover my eyes.

9 P M

With a grunt, I kick my foot up and make contact with Mr. Mask's shin. He stumbles backwards from the unexpected force, falling and hitting the ground, so now we were both in the same situation.

Except instead of being mostly unharmed, like me, Mr. Mask smacks his face on the ground beneath him. His mask cracks upon impact, sending more sparks flying into the air. His singing becomes strained. He seems to be... Fighting himself? He keeps trying to reach for his mask, but his hands keep getting pulled away.

Is he trying to take the mask off?

1 0 P M

I speak up, timidly asking Mr. Mask what's wrong. No response. He writhes in agony, fighting an internal war with himself as he hits falsetto. He probably can't hear me, so talking to him isn't the best option right now.

I need to do something, and do it fast, before my ears explode and Mr. Mask goes insane.

Well, more insane than he already is.

1 1 P M

My hand is shaking as I pull, not surprised that the mask is resisting. I put my back into it, clenching my teeth as I try to block out Mr. Mask's defeaning song. Sparks are flying, unrelenting as they hit me and burn my skin. Just how strong is this mask?!

I give it one last, pleading tug, and off it pops. It's so unexpected that I'm sent reeling backwards, the mask flying out of my hands. As it clatters onto the ground, I hear a soft sobbing, and look back to see a crying man, singing a song to celebrate his freedom. The mask disintegrates into thin air, and the endless white that I thought would never change begins to crumble, revealing a deep-hued galaxy in its wake.

The man reaches out to gently pat my head, smiling as I suddenly feel sleepy. Is this guy magical, or something? He is slowly becoming one with the galaxy, stars shimmering in his thoughtful eyes, as he blows sparkles into my face. My eyes begin to droop shut, but I feel the man take my hand in his, squeezing it firmly, still singing his song.

"Thank you."